Tuesday, April 12, 2022


 Please post your answer as a COMMENT to this blog post.

After completing the online session two and all of the homework, please return to this post and answer the Essential Question for Session Two by posting a comment to this blog entry.

Why has it been so difficult to add the gifts of the Right Mode to education and training practice, some of which are intuition, imaging, metaphors, simultaneity, and feeling expressions? 


  1. This is my brief thoughts:
    Our society and education system are built around expertise knowledge. Facts. The teacher are the one to look up to, the one who knows. The superior.

    To read has always been the first step for any human to be able to climb ”the ladder of success”. So new knowledge comes through text and lecturing. If you are not able to read you had to learn it by heart (thinking about prayers etc). Later in school naming of states, citys, rivers etc where important. All of this are for the left hemisphere. And it was easy to measure and grade. Knowledge such as naming, classifying and ”beeing right ” is power.

    Art, music, poetry has in an historical aspect been open only for the nobel people. Most of this is right hemisphere work where creativity and feelings are important. All this has somewhat been seen as odd and not suitable for the classroom.

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    2. "Our...education system ...built around expertise knowledge" yes and I add, at the expense of wisdom. Your reading example is correct showing almost always a complete left mode approach. I did not learn to read that way, except secondarily. I learned by understanding the whole story and filling in what the words must have been. It was the meaning that led me to the words, that is the example fo the right mode approach to reading. Teachers should be using both.
      And you are also right, poetry was sidelined. Many art classes are also not even graded. Looking at this today, it is really amazing how wrong we were with our "Western" mentality" only. Well said. Kenth.

  2. I think why it's hy has it been so difficult to add the gifts of the Right Mode to education and training practice is because so much of our education system in the US is based on knowlege, comprehension and testing for giving the correct answer. Very rarely in the classroom, are students given the opportunity to be creative or to use the right brain techniques such as: intuition, imaging, metaphors, simultaneity, and feeling expressions.

    I think it's this lack of imagination and right brain activities in school creates a habit in us that constantly pushes us to follow directions, learn facts, and then recite them or pick the right answer from a multiple choice question, that leads to this lack in right brain learning not only in school but we carry it into our professional lives as well.

    Also, those that are more right brain thinking, tend to reject or not prosper from the left brained education methods and are less inclined to become an educator themselves. Where the left brained learners probably love the education system more and therefore are more inclined to become educators. Therefore we have more left brainded educators vs right brained educators.

    1. I totally agree. The correct answer is a killer. And you are also right, we carry that prejudice into our lives as well. This left mode preference does attract left mode folks as you say and also prejudice teachers against right mode students. Well said, Paul.
