Monday, April 25, 2022


After completing the online session three and all of the homework, please return 

to this post and answer the Essential Question for Session Three by posting your 

answer as a COMMENT to this blog entry.

How does your teaching style influence your instructional designs?  


  1. For me it´s essential that the students get some new insights and USE them in there life. Make changes due to new knowledge.

    I work a lot with motivation (Q1) and hands on excercises (Q3) so I plan with stories to connect and motivate, to preformat their brains to what will come. I let them think/write down/discuss how it is in their lifes/work. Do excercises two on two, I coach them to refine and find their "own way" of using it to perform better (Q4).

    Q2 is the minor part, and I often leave for them to deepen the facts themself refering to studies, research behind, booktip etc.

    So yes, my teaching style influence my instructional design. But it´s well known for me and I challenge myself to work more with Q2 (along with the others). I sometimes doubt that I have enough of fact and figures for the subject I talk about.

    I guess this is influenced of me working as a keynote- and motivational speaker, where the goal are slight different compaired to when I´m lecturing a day or several days with same group in corporate trainings.

    1. Kenth, this is a terrific answer to this question. Clearly you are high on teaching competence, that is, using what they learn. Also lots of practice.
      In addition your openness to examining your Quadrant Two tasks is a plus.
      Using story in Quad One to motivate is also a good strategy to begin.
      You are covering the cycle well. I enjoyed reading this.

  2. Being that I tend to favor Q1 with my teaching style, it makes sense that it would influence my instructional design. As an educator who teaches mostly hair stylists or consumers who are interested in using the products my company sells, it's important for me that they understand WHY they would want to use our products or WHY they would use a certain styling, braiding, or cutting technique to achieve their desired look. For me, once some one uderstands the why and can apply meaning to the topic they are learning, it makes for a more engaged learner. The what, Q2, tends to be learned better through experience Q3 vs when I am demonstrating or talking about what Q2 they are learning. I like to have our learners either learn Q2 previously to the class or quickly when in-person and then move quickly to Q3 and have them practice HOW to perform the style or touch and feel the products and use them on hair to determine how they work. Once they have a firm understanding of the topic they are learning I always encourage them to move to Q4 by thinking of other ways they can use the products or ways they can use a technique to create other looks.
