Tuesday, April 5, 2022


Please post your answer as a COMMENT to this blog post.

After completing online session one and all of the homework, please return to this post and answer the Essential Question for Session One by posting a comment to this blog entry.



  1. Don´t know if I really understand the question...?

    But my answer is NO. I think everybody has ”your natural style”, but may adapt depending of context. And I think that the more you explore your learning style, you can broaden it. When you understand how useful the other types are for your learning, but still remain in ”your natural”.

    Furthermore I reflect upon my own background and my long experience as lecturer and speaker. It was very easy for me to learn when I attended school. Homework, reading and learning facts (sometimes quiet useless!) were no problem. So I´m sort of got used to type 2, but later understood that ”enough facts” it´s ok to make use of it. The latter is what I do when I put together my speeches. Deep learning, pull out the essence, lots of passion and then present it. I am also much of a ”what can you do with this”. Usually say: Take the best, leave the rest. And DO something different when you come back home after me lecturing :-)

    So, maybe the opposite, the styles create the cycle.

    1. What I meant by the question is, does the fact that learning always starts with feeling, then we reflect and so on..does that cycle relate to the way we choose our own style, the fact that learning functions that way?
      The Cycle exists and we all travel it with different emphases on different places. Regarding your thinking on how we adapt I agree.
      For example, the Ones dwell on the meaning of their feelings more than the Twos, Threes or Fours do, etc., And again I agree that you count the context as having a high involvement in what part of the cycle we choose. Perhaps a better question might be, "Does the way we react to the cycle make us choose one part over the other?

    2. When you feel for it, you go for it. I agree. Feelings come first in a good learning context. So with your explanation, YES, the cycle creates the different styles. But we all have to "travel" them for best understanding.

    3. Yes, when you feel for it you definitely go for it. Therefore do we conclude that as a person does this over and over in his life, his responses become a lifelong pattern?

  2. First, I apologize for my tardiness in the homework. This week got away from me. I would say that the cycle does create the different styles and we all have aspects of the different styles, it just depends on which style we tend to favor in the cycle.
