Tuesday, April 5, 2022


Please post your Hemispheric Mode Indicator (HMI) 
results as a COMMENT to this blog post.

My HMI score was -1, favoring the left hemisphere, 
but only just barely so.

I feel that this score adequately represents who I am. I can adjust myself to focus in on details, be organized, calculate, work towards goals, consider management, remove myself from situations, and use words to my advantage. On the other hand, I can also let loose, be creative, go with the flow when neccesary, make connections, use pictures and graphics to my advantage, and be empathic. I have the ability to shift back and forth.

However, this can also create chaos in my life. There are times when I can literally feel my brain floundering. I can't explain what it feels like. I visualize it as oil and water that has been swirled together. Sometimes I'm presented with a problem or situation and I simply freeze. I can feel my brain jumble up as it tries to decide which half is going to take over-as though the two halves are at war with each other. It's the strangest sensation. I wish I knew how to make them work together...